Yossi Feintuch: Moses – the ultimate paragon of humility

On a scale with hubris on one pole and self-abnegation on the other – both extremes contradict the values of Torah – humility is much closer to the latter. Humility – a behavioral conduct -- can only be seen in the presence of other people, when you turn far away from narcissism and the thought that ‘’My power and the might of my own hand have gotten me this wealth’’ (Deuteronomy 8:17).

Yossi Feintuch: Why did these three great people contract tsaraat

In his futile attempts to ‘’dodge’’ the divine draft,  Moses slandered the leaders of Israel arguing as a matter of fact that they would not listen to him; these words were nothing short of casting a verbal aspersion at others.  Indeed, when Moses gathers the Israelite leaders the people do believe in his divine commission to facilitate their liberation from Egypt. Hence, after Moses had made that verbal slur God struck his hand with tsaraat, thus creating the first biblical connection between this affliction and slanderous speech.