Yossi Feintuch: A call for human compassion

The Torah this week tries to show a degree of compassion to the bovine species, even within the realm of animal sacrifices.  Thus, a newly born calf must not be sacrificed before it is at least eight days young, if only to allow its mom a sense of motherhood, if not bonding, with its child. In comparison to the contemporary factory farm where the (dairy) calf is removed from its mother moments after its birth with evident days-lasting anguish to both, the Torah seems to recognize here the need of the mother bovine to nurture its child.

Yossi Feintuch: The Tabernacle and the Temple highlight Moses’ and David’s humility

Both Moses and King David respectively learned that even with their hefty merits they were not qualified in God’s eyes to either enter God's Sanctuary at will, or even build one. Neither Moses nor David could transcend their fallibility as humans, even as both – despite their distinguished status and standing – exemplified human humility before God.