Multitasking -- doing simultaneously two different things, writes Gilad Peled, is a recipe to a colossal failure; doing either task would be a wasted effort. Multitasking brings us to do less, experience more stress, and perform less productively and efficiently in comparison to the one who dedicates himself to one assignment without allowing for distractions.
Jethro - a priest of another religion to the people of Israel - that the Rabbis chose to open up a new portion of Torah that features the grandest gift of the Torah to humanity at large – ‘’The Ten Commandments’’.
Friedrich Nietzche, A German intellectual of the 19th Century (See picture on the left), might have summed up the Nachshon mindset saying: ''The one who has for what to live will be able to bear almost any condition of how [to go forward]'' ....
Though we take note that there is no specific blessing that one should recite upon hearing about the demise of the wicked -- a foe that a whole group holds as a villain -- and therefore it is not a religious imperative to rejoice over its downfall
Given Moses' authentic Egyptian name (Mose, i.e., ''one who is born'' and hence ''son'', as Robert Alter posits) given to him by his adoptive mother, as well as Moses' later overall self-identification as an Egyptian (alluded to in Exodus 2:19, 22), the immensity of Jochebed's selfless radical solution is self-evident -- let my child live even if raised by an Egyptian.
It is time now for Joseph to reveal his true identity – his brothers just completed a full regimen of penance; they experienced remorse, confessed their crime, and walked away from another opportunity to reiterate a similar woe.
Beginning with the Pharaoh in this weekly Torah portion, Miketz, we see how good and effective leaders appoint the right people to serve national causes in a way that is divorced from any partisan or prejudiced considerations. The Pharaoh is a trailblazer in setting this exemplary pattern of governance